About us

Global Care Development (GCD) is a healthcare solution development company focused on creating innovative, fun and effective tools for improving patient care, wellness, and mental health.

Meet the team

Global Care Development is headquartered in Norway, and work with partners in Türkiye to be adaptable and better serve diverse populations and healthcare markets. By combining advanced technology, evidence-based practices, and a automated approach, GCD aim to make significant strides in transforming mental health care for individuals around the world, especially those who cannot afford traditional care.

Simon Brennstrom

CEO and Developer 6th year Clinical Psychology Student
Game Designer Outsourcing Specialist

Abhishek Ranjan

Business Development
Community Management
Physics PhD Student

Board of Advisors

To be successful, a startup needs knowledge to navigate the vast landscape of technologies and markets. These are our advisors who, together posess the diverse wealth of experience and expertise required to help us get a foothold in the industry.

Ingrid Skjeveland

Business Advisor

Martin Mathisen

Board of Advisors member Formerly Pazzing

Håkon Undli

Industrial Mentor

Sinan Karaca

Board of Advisors member
Senior Developer
Software Development. O.G.

André Henriksen

Academic Mentor
UiT - Ph.D
mHelse, Klinisk Informatikk

Siva Snarby

Board of Advisors member
CEO Connect The Dots

Helene Lund Engebø

Board of Advisors member
Technical Advisor

Lars Sørensen

Board of Advisors member


Ove Mats Pettersen


Måns Jonas Brænnstrøm


Tresor Bigirimana

